2018年8月21日 講師の留学Blog
Good day!
This is from JKILC
On August 21, I had a face-to-face class with Mr. I. We introduced each other before starting his lesson. The student was very cooperative during the lesson.
He tried his very best to do the activities in his text and tried well to answer my followed-up questions. We had a snack time around 10 am and I let him tried a Filipino snack and a Filipino drink. I was glad that he liked them so much.
Around 12:00 pm. we ate our lunch and had to resume the class from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm. After the lesson, we had a great welcome party with the other management from the company. The welcome party was so simple yet it was very entertaining.
He was able to talk a lot in English, he was able to joke with us and he was able to share his experiences too.
—– 和訳 —–
=====◆ 文中の説明 ◆=====
welcome party:当校(フィリピン留学学校 JK I.L.C)では生徒様が留学を開始する初日にささやかながらの歓迎のパーティーを催しています。英語のレッスンを受け持つ講師たち、学校のスタッフ(日本人オーナー、日本人のスタッフもいます)、と一緒に楽しんでもらい、緊張をほぐし、これからの留学生活を楽しく意義あるものにしていただきたいと思っています。