2018年8月23日 講師の留学Blog
Hi! This is from JKILC.
Today is my last day teaching Mr. I. We started our day greeting each other. He was excellent! He had a good sleep and a wonderful breakfast ? apparently, he was giving his best performance.
We talked about pets, health, and empathy. Unfamiliar words and phrases were never a hindrance to his learning; he reviewed the lessons in advance and didn’t hesitate to let me know his concerns. In just a matter of days, his improvement was evident.
We began to feel sad as our last day drew to a close, but looking back, it was undeniably a magnificent experience! Mr. I to and I exchanged our heartfelt gratitude. We had a little farewell gathering.
All things considered, I hope all language learners could be as motivated as Mr. I. For some of us, we just seem to dismiss the thought of continuing to learn just because it is “difficult” ? but this excuse is unacceptable. All of us are capable of learning. The process may seem to be long but we got to keep in mind that everything will be worth it.
—– 和訳 —–
今日はIさんに英会話の授業をする最後の日でした。お互いの英語での挨拶から一日を始めました。彼は素晴らしかったです! 彼は良い睡眠と、すばらしい朝食を取れたようで、レッスンでもベストを尽くせていたように思います。
私たちの最後の日が終わりに近づくと、私たちは悲しい気持ちになりました。しかし、振り返ってみると。本当に素晴らしい授業でした! Iさんと私は心からの感謝の言葉を交わしました。また、ささやかなお別れ会をしました。