2018年6月22日 講師の留学Blog
Good day!
This is from JKILC.
On June 22, I had a class with Ms. C. It was the second time already to have a face-to-face class with her. Before we had our lesson, we did a catching-up. She happily shared to me what she did, what she ate, and her thoughts while she was staying in the Philippines.
I gave her a pack of polvoron ( Filipino-style shortbread made with toasted rice flour, powdered milk, sugar, and butter) as a gift , she asked me about the Polvoron, and I was glad that she liked it. Then later on, we were savoring Filipino dishes which were cooked and served at the dormitory and then started our lesson again.
We didn’t have dead-ends during the class as she was participative. She explained what she understood and didn’t hesitate to ask questions, and although there were times she committed mistakes, she was happy to be corrected.
After the class, we went to a KTV restaurant to have dinner and farewell party. She was happy to have a chat and to eat varieties of Filipino dishes. She even told me that she likes the Sizzling Gambas. After that enjoyable night, we said our goodbyes and thanks to each other.
I’m really looking forward seeing her again next time.
—– 和訳 —–
私は彼女(Cさん)に贈り物として、Polvoron (ポルボロン)(焼き米粉、粉ミルク、砂糖、バターでできたフィリピンスタイルの菓子) を一袋渡しました。彼女はPolvoron について私に聞いてくれました、彼女が気に入ってうれしかったです。 その後、宿舎で料理されて出されたフィリピン料理を味わい、再びレッスンを始めました。
レッスン後、私たちは夕食を兼ねたさよならパーティーをするためにKTV(カラオケのある)レストランに行きました。彼女(Cさん)は、会話と、いろいろなフィリピン料理を食べて楽しそうでした。 彼女は Sizzling Gambas(ジシリング ガンバス)が特に気に入ったそうです。楽しい夜の後に、「さようなら、ありがとう」とお互いに言い合いました。
=====◆ 文中の説明 ◆=====
※ Polvoron:ポルボロンはスペインの焼き菓子ですが、スペイン植民地時代にフィリピンに伝わり、フィリピンでアレンジされ、フィリピンの伝統的なお菓子になっています。いろんな味が有ります。
※ Sizzling Gambas:ジシリング ガンバスはエビをジュージューに焼いたフィリピン料理