
2018年6月24日 講師の留学Blog

Good day!
This is from JKILC.

I had a face-to-face class with Mr. T, he is my student in online school as well. We didn’t use his book so much since he started sharing about his work and work-related topic.
His purpose here was to study English for his business so I gladly shared my opinions. I believed he liked my suggestions and he was planning to try them out.

During lunch time, the student suggested to go to the one of the well-known school here in the Philippines – University of the Philippines (UP). We strolled around   and tried to enter few facilities. It was Sunday, so we were lucky to enter few buildings there.

The student challenged himself to buy a drink in a small store called ‘sari-sari store’, to ride a jeepney  , and to take a picture of him with a UP-graduate student and the family. It was fun and thrilling to him.

We were so tired that we decided to relax, so we went to UP Town Center Mall. He ate halo-halo at Gerry’s and it is his first time to taste it. He told me that in Japan, they have shaved ice, Kakiguri, but both of those are totally different. I just hope that he liked the halo-halo we ate.

He suggested to play some games in a game center – Timezone. It was a stress-relieving situation for the both of us. After that, we went back to the dormitory, resumed our class and ate our dinner.

The student didn’t focus studying his book, yet he gained more knowledge because of situational lessons and experiences.

—– 和訳 —–




Tさんは自分自身で「sari-sari store」と呼ばれる小さなお店で飲み物を買うこと、ジプニーに乗ること、フィリピン大学の大学院生とその家族と写真を撮ること、に挑戦されました。Tさんにとって、楽しく、ワクワクすることでした。

私たちはとても疲れたので、ゆっくりすることにしました。それで UP Town Center Mall(U.P.タウン・センターモール)に行きました。彼(Tさん)はGerry’s でhalo-halo(ハロハロ)を食べました。それは彼の初めての経験でした。彼は日本にも氷を削ったアイスのかき氷があるが、二つは全くの別物だといいました。私たちが食べたhalo-haloを彼が気に入ってくれるといいです。

彼(Tさん)は Timezoneというゲームセンターでゲームをしようと言い出しました。私たち二人にとってストレス解消のできる時間でした。その後、私たちは宿舎に戻り、レッスンを再開し、夕食を取りました。


=====◆ 文中の説明 ◆=====



Gerry’s = Gerry’s Grill(ジュエリーズグリル):フィリピンで人気のチェーン店でフィリピン料理レストランです。