
2018年11月13日 講師の留学Blog

Good evening!
This is from JKILC. 🙂

I had a class with Ms. S earlier today. It’s our second time meeting each other. She had a special plan this day and it was exciting.

We started to study through a book until 11am and after that, she decided to visit a big mall for shopping. 🕋 She was so excited since it’s her first time roaming around and so do I.

We ate lunch in a Filipino restaurant and we shopped for Philippine souvenirs.🔮 She was so fascinated to learn many new things so we explored the area eating Filipino snacks like suman, kuchinta. 🍣 We took a lot of pictures on interesting backgrounds especially of Christmas decorations. And she was delighted to finally take picture with a Jeepney.

After having shopping, we visited the company office and was introduced to the staffs. We had dinner at another restaurant famous for Filipinos and even foreign customers. We enjoyed the foods and each others company. 👬👭

Today was a great time and experience. And with those experiences comes great learning. 😄

—– 和訳 —–

JKILCです! 🙂


11時までテキストワークをして、それからショッピングモールに買い物に行きました。🕋 初めて散策をするとの事で、とても嬉しそうにしていたので私も嬉しくなってしまいました。

フィリピン料理レストランでランチを食べて、フィリピン土産を買いに行きました。🔮 初めて見るものの名前を覚えるのが楽しかったようなので、スーマンやクッチンタなどのフィリピンのお菓子がたくさんあるエリアに行きました。🍣 私たちはクリスマスの飾りの特におもしろい背景のたくさんの写真を撮りました。最後にジープニーと一緒に写真が撮れて彼女は嬉しそうでした。

